Our Services

Tailored Solutions

Driving Success Together: Your Trusted Partner for Leasing Solutions in Europe

Explore our comprehensive range of services designed to simplify every aspect of vehicle management. From vehicle purchase and insurance administration to service coordination and assistance, we’re here to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients. 

Discover how our dedicated team can support you at every step of the way.

Vehicle Acquisition and Customization

Aligned with client specifications, we identify the desired vehicle type and features, then proceed to procure or purchase the vehicle from the most suitable source. Our team oversees the entire commissioning process to ensure seamless delivery.

Insurance Management

Long-term leasing allows businesses to reclaim VAT based on their business use, starting calculations from the net purchase price, thus optimizing financial efficiency.

Service Coordination

The leasing scheme offers flexibility, allowing businesses to plan lease costs well in advance for the entire term, potentially securing fixed costs without unexpected spikes.

Tire Service

We provide seasonal tire installation services along with tire logistics, including procurement, transportation, storage, and registration.

Breakdown Assistance

In the unfortunate event of a breakdown, we organize prompt assistance, transportation, and repair for the affected vehicle.

Replacement Vehicle Service

Our service ensures tenants receive a replacement vehicle within 24 hours in case of breakdowns, accidents, or damages.

Pick-Up Service

For service or maintenance needs, our team delivers the rented vehicle to the specified location and retrieves it after completion, offering utmost convenience to our clients.

GPS and Tracking

We offer GPS-based tracking system installation for enhanced vehicle security and monitoring.


Explore our flexible leasing options tailored to your lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer a diverse range of vehicles for leasing, including sedans, SUVs, trucks, vans, and specialty vehicles tailored to meet various business needs. Whether you require a single vehicle or an entire fleet, we have options to suit your requirements.

Leasing offers several advantages over purchasing vehicles outright, including lower upfront costs, flexibility in vehicle selection, reduced administrative burdens, potential tax benefits, and the ability to easily upgrade to newer models at the end of the lease term.

The leasing process typically involves selecting the desired vehicle(s), agreeing on lease terms and conditions, completing the necessary paperwork, and making regular lease payments. At the end of the lease term, you may have the option to return the vehicle, extend the lease, or purchase the vehicle at a predetermined price.

We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive support to our clients throughout the leasing term. Our team is available to assist with vehicle selection, lease negotiations, maintenance and repairs, administrative tasks, and any other inquiries or concerns that may arise. We are committed to ensuring a smooth and hassle-free leasing experience for our clients.


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